
One of the things I notice about the posture of leaders is how they show up with those they lead. Are they open and engaged or closed and pensive? Style, tone, language, physical presence, approach, focus and attention – these are just a few of the inclinations of leaders that drive the level of engagement available in their relationships at work.

With these observations, here’s what I want to know:

Is the leader amplifying the experience of others or reducing it?


Consider:  How might you engage with team members who want to explore a new idea?

Those that amplify...

Lead with questions more often. 

Listen with presence to not only what is said, but also what happens “in between” the words (ie. body language, pauses, emotions, etc.).

Invite others to consider and develop what is needed to support decision-making.

Lead from a generative mindset. (ie. Think first about how something can be accomplished rather than what may get in the way.)


Those that reduce...

Lead with answers more often. 

Listen to only what is said, while often considering the meaning to self versus others. 

Tell others what to do. 

Lead with a reductive mindset. (ie. Think first about the potential issues of an idea rather than how it may be accomplished.)


Amplifying behaviors, true to word, bring forward more.  For leaders, that can mean fresh ideas, accelerated growth, and innovation.  

It’s not a hard assessment; with honest and mindful reflection on our own experience, we can discover our posture and make the needed shifts to engage in more behaviors that amplify our experience and the experiences of others.  

As you consider your leader offer around amplifying the experiences of others…

  • What would it take to find more ways to say “yes” in your leadership?  
  • In doing so, what may be gained?  What may be set aside?

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